If you’re going to teach him how to write, first you have to love him.If you can convince him of that, there’s nothing you can’t teach him.—Avi

Friday, July 16, 2010

Thing 3

I felt many emotions while trying to figure out widgets. At first, I was totally lost. I decided to begin simple. I began with editing my profile. Then I decided to be more like my students and just explore. I put a picture on my header and copied a favorite quote underneath my header. Then I discovered putting a picture to my profile and took off! I can hardly wait to get home and add more pictures to my blog.


  1. I am with you on keeping it simple. Feel free to check out my blog. I have become your follower. By the way, good job!!!

  2. Mine was an add mess and I was so frustrated when lunch came and I had to quit! I love the books on the side. Where did you get them?

  3. WOW! I am impressed. Youare doing awesome!

  4. I love your comments. Since I teach computers, I love the fact that you took a student's viewpoint to just start exploring. So many times, adults are afraid that they will mess it up so they don't attempt anything on their own. Great job!

  5. For being lost in the beginning, I am very impressed with your page. I will be coming to you when I need help.

  6. Got books @ Books a Million, Little Rock.
